Monday, September 20, 2010


\ih-MAH-goh\ Latin for "image"
       ...means an idealized concept of a loved one, formed in childhood and 
              remained unaltered in adult life

Entomology: an adult insect

An animated cicada molting into a winged imago.

Example1: She pictured him her imago in her heart, never been replaced through time and maybe until death. page link for imago


Saturday, September 4, 2010


\KAK-uh-neyt\ means to laugh loudly or immoderately

Bachelors who cachinnate may feel that they're charming their way to connubial bliss but what they do not know is that their cachinnation only serves to isolate them from prospective partners.
Humans, who like cachinnating hyenas laugh in immoderate abundance, might find themselves become food for ravenous scavenging ruffians.
A cachinnating hyena / met a little myna / asked the bird "why do you laugh?" / said the hyena "life is so tough / all the world's laughter is not enough." page link for cachinnate

Thursday, September 2, 2010


...means acquaintances, friends, neighbors, or the like; persons living in the same general locality and forming a more or less cohesive group.

Our teddy friendz, our genuine kith.
Kith are all around 
Short, tall, slender or round
But when troubles abound
They're nowhere to be found

Teddy Friendz Story:
(From top-down, left-right)...Warmie is his name, journalism is his game. Due to his popularity, a tedoid Wormie wanted his fame but Warmie, the journalist, is smart he's always on the dart. Chikki is small, a scholar by nature. Whatever seems confusing Chikki gets the musing. Problems get solved coz Chikki made the move. Gummy 'd" Bear has nothing to be proud of about himself but to have a family that is proud of him is a treasure to him. This line is a fine line and it's Gummy 'd' Bear's line. Dolly is a maiden full of mysteries hidden and soon she'll be taken to a paradise called Teddyland, a land of peace, joy and freedom. And secrets no more! Milky is a beauty. And the secret of her beauty? A bowl of milk three times a day. Browlie looks tiny but her brain is always hungry for arguments that are fiery. She is the renowned Browlie "the Lawyer", the undefeated opponent of Brawlie "the Liar". Chani was imprisoned for freeing Geese from the captivity of a Mogul in China. Got help from Mother Goose and the Great Wall of China they crossed to find a nice home in our handsome abode. The last in line is Chokie, the brother of Chikki. Far from being a scholar, in humor he is a connoisseur. He is the clown in this little hometown where everybody is a family, a genuine kith in their own teddycality. And that's the story of these little creatures. In reality they may not be alive but in our hearts they're always real. page link for kith

Wednesday, September 1, 2010


is a verb and read as \BEEK\ which means
...........(of wood) to season by exposure to heat bask or warm in the sunshine or before a fire

Kitty basking in the sun
In our family, it is usual to beek firewood especially the newly chopped wet logs.
It is almost always observed that cats like to beek and roll under the sun.
Example 3:
Mr. Johnson asked the children to move a little farther and beek themselves by fireside. page link for beek
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